Officials are keeping a “very close eye” on a new variety of COVID-19 that may be able to overcome existing coronavirus antibodies as the deadly Delta variant of COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said on Thursday that the United States is “extremely concerned” about the Mu variant but hasn’t spread widely in the country. Mu variant is something we’re keeping an eye on- It’s visible to us, but it’s nowhere near dominating as per our studies. According to Anthony Fauci– As you may be aware, the Delta has a 99 percent dominance rate. During the conference, Anthony Fauci also stated that he would not be really surprised if three doses of vaccine are required to protect Americans against the coronavirus fully…adding to it he said, based on my own perspective as an immunologist, I would not be shocked if the appropriate full vaccine schedule is three doses, Anthony Fauci stated. “If it’s durable, then a three-dose regimen will most likely be the usual regimen for everyone,” Anthony Fauci said, adding that he would defer to other officials in determining how many vaccination shots should be taken more.  

Understand What the ‘MU’ variant is

The Mu variety, also known as B.1.621, has alterations that mean it “might neglect some antibodies,” including vaccine antibodies, as per Fauci. But there aren’t enough clinical evidence reports to support this yet. It’s primarily in vitro data from laboratories…At this time, we don’t see it as a direct threat though, he added. This variation has a cluster of mutations that suggests it could avoid specific antibodies, including monoclonal antibodies, convalescent serum-induced antibodies, and vaccine-induced antibodies- Fauci explained.  “Remember, even when you have variants that reduce vaccine efficacy in your body slightly, corona jabs are still extremely effective against variants of that time,” Fauci said, assuring US citizens that health officials were “keeping a very careful eye” on what was happening with mu variants in America.  Frequent genome sequencing, which we haven’t done before on this large scale, has been a remarkable feature of our COVID response rate. This monitors and maps the virus’s evolution as it adapts and mutates in a real-time map. Some modifications will be harmful to the virus, while others may be helpful, allowing it to propagate more quickly than ever, avoid vaccine protection, and even evade COVID 19 tests. If the virus goes through modifications that make it look as if it has the chance to inhibit more significant loss, we will label it as a variant of interest. Mutations in Mu may bestow some of these characteristics, but research is still accumulating in the process. Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda are the other four versions of interest currently. If there’s enough proof that Mu is becoming more dangerous and overtaking different variants like Delta, it could be classified as a variant of interest officially.  There are four usual variants at the moment: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta.  Delta, which first appeared in the United States in the spring, is more contagious and deadly and currently accounts for the vast majority of cases in the United States.

What is the prevalence of mu in the United States?

According to the Global Initiative on Collecting All Influenza Data (GISAID), the world’s most extensive database of new coronavirus genome sequences, about 2,000 mu cases have been discovered in the United States so far- ALARMING. California, Florida, Texas, and New York, among other states, have seen the most cases recently. 

Is it really so risky?

The main uncertainties are whether mu is more transmissible than delta, the predominant type, and whether it can cause more severe disease than the previous variants. And Is it possible for Mu to overcome pre-existing immunity? Honestly, There is currently very minimal evidence on this, with research from a Rome lab suggesting that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination was less effective against mu in a lab-based experiment when contrasted to other variations. Despite this though, the vaccine’s immunity against mu was deemed adequate by the researchers. We don’t know yet if mu’s mutations will increase infection and disease in the coming days. 

What is the extent of the problem?

Mu was discovered in Colombia back in January 2021 and given the codename B1621. It has since been found in 40 countries, but it is only considered to be responsible for 0.1 percent of all infections worldwide, which means it is in the infant stage. Colombia has had a substantially higher prevalence of Mu than any other country in the whole world. When it comes to coronavirus samples that have been genetically sequenced, 39 percent of those tested in Colombia were mu — even though no mu samples have been detected in Colombia in the last month. 

Covid Update

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1 Understand What the ‘MU’ variant is2 What is the prevalence of mu in the United States?3 Is it really so risky?4 What is the extent of the problem?5 Covid Update