At the Intermediate Level, you are expected to not only acquire professional knowledge but also the ability to apply such knowledge in problem solving. Learning outcomes which you need to demonstrate after learning each topic have been detailed in the first page of each chapter/unit. Demonstration of these learning outcomes would help you to achieve the desired level of technical competence. The process of learning should also help you inculcate the requisite professional skills, i.e., the intellectual skills and communication skills, necessary for achieving the desired professional competence.

CA Inter FM ECO Paper Review Dec 2021

CA Inter FM ECO Paper Review July 2021

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Section-A: Financial Management

In the changing dynamics of business environment the role of a Chartered Accountant is not only restricted to accounting and auditing but has also shifted towards strategic decision making and entrepreneurship. It has necessitated the Chartered Accountancy profession to re-position itself from traditional role of accountants to a global business solution provider. In the era of digitization where the form of markets has evolved from brick and mortar to cloud based e-market, emergence of new financial instruments and currencies opened the avenues of opportunities in the guise of challenges. The world of finance is evolving with each passing day, so to the scope of financial management.

Section-B: Economics for Finance

The content of the course of study ‘Economics for Finance’ is devised by incorporating the currently relevant subject matter of Macro Economics, Public Finance, Monetary Theory and International Economics. Since this course is framed to meet the functional requirements of accounting professionals, the concepts and principles in this material are explained in a lucid and non-technical manner with appropriate illustrations from the latest available sources relating to the current economic and financial environment. The blend of theory and its contextualization with stress on clarity of exposition intend to facilitate learners to move beyond a mere understanding of the subject toward a level of analyzing and evaluating current and future developments in the economy. From a managerial perspective, this would provide coherent foresight and logical judgment and contribute towards strategic policy formulation.

CA Inter FM ECO Paper Review Dec 2021  CA Inter FMEF Review - 62CA Inter FM ECO Paper Review Dec 2021  CA Inter FMEF Review - 29