According to a police statement, twenty-six of the officers involved were identified by the department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, and they found no wrongdoing in 20 instances. For six of the cases, the police stated “violations were sustained, and disciplinary punishment was recommended,” as the action for six officers including three for “conduct unbecoming,” one for failing to follow directives, one for “improper remarks,” and one for “improper publication of information.” More than 600 people have been charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. A crowd sympathetic to then-President Donald Trump rushed the Capitol, fought police, and attempted to prevent President Joe Biden’s election victory from being certified. The disciplinary action for six officers is a part of an ongoing investigation By USCP. The USCP gave the evidence to the Justice Department this week as part of its ongoing investigation into those responsible for the Jan. 6 attack. Even the FBI and other law-enforcement organisations thought it was domestic terrorist activity. Congressman John Stolnis said in a statement that Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman was committed to disciplining anyone who violated the rules of conduct. There was a report that an officer was seen snapping photographs with mob members, while another was photographed wearing Trump’s trademark Make America Great Again baseball cap. With six paid suspensions, USCP was investigating 29 others. However, it’s not clear whether the suspended officers are now facing disciplinary action for six officers.

No Evidence Against Those Officers Has Been Discovered

The statement did not specify if a case involved a single police officer or whether an officer may be named in multiple cases. The names of the officers involved were not released, nor were specifics about their behaviour or activities that led to the alleged infractions. According to the statement, the US attorney’s office did not discover enough proof that any officers had committed a crime. According to the same statement, an internal investigation into another matter involving an official accused of “unsatisfactory performance and conduct unbecoming” is ongoing. The report launched an internal probe following a criminal investigation, but no charges were filed. According to a House select committee, the Capitol building was attacked after Trump urged his supporters to “fight like hell” in support of false claims by the former president that the election was stolen from him. After being beaten and Tasered by the rioters, USCP officer Michael Fanone testified in July that he “went to hell and back” while defending the Capitol. He said that he had issued crass tapes and hate mail for conversing out about what happened.

Flashback: Details of the Attack on US Capitol

On January 6, 2021, followers of Republican President Donald J. Trump stormed the United States Capitol. When this incident took place, Trump had lost the 2020 presidential election to his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden. An uprising or armed uprising d’état was widely perceived as the attack’s purpose because a lawful president-elect was to be prevented from taking office by the attack. Trump supporters radicalised by the vote count swiftly concluded that violent protests and even violence were required to stop taunting fraudulent ballots and prevent Biden from becoming president. As of November 4, a short-lived Facebook group called “Stop the Steal” had 320,000 members in less than 24 hours before Facebook shut it down due to messages containing misinformation and demands for violence. Vote-counting conspiracy theories were repeated and developed by Stop the Steal supporters on other social media platforms, even at polling places where allegedly illegal vote counting was taking place. Pro-Trump groups like Stop the Steal turned their attention to January 6th, the date set by federal law, when Congress will begin calculating each state’s electoral votes as required by law. After a series of tweets in December, Trump urged his followers to protest the vote-counting event on January 6 by holding a rally and a march. One of Trump’s tweets read, “Be there and be wild” before getting banned from Twitter. Some of his supporters broke down fences and forced police officers to pull back to extra barricades nearer the Capitol building as they pushed through them. As more and more people arrived from the rally where Trump had spoken, the mob grew in size. After being besieged by many people, Capitol police called in troops from the Metro DC Police Department (MPD). Many police officers were severely assaulted with dangerous weapons (battles, pipes, and flagpoles) or chemically irritated before being smashed and trodden by the encroaching swarm.

1 No Evidence Against Those Officers Has Been Discovered2 Flashback: Details of the Attack on US Capitol