It goes without saying that days are gone when a person can achieve perfection in his / her task by adopting ‘Rule of Thumb’. No doubt sometimes it may work but mostly this approach tends to fail since the contemporary business world operates under dynamic political, economic, social, technological and legal environment. Numerous changes take place in government policies with reference to taxation, foreign exchange management, corporate laws, mercantile laws, technology, social customs , etc. Now for a business to thrive in this competitive and ever -changing business environment , it is essential that key managerial executives or key management personnel play a pivotal role in driving the business activities efficiently. Company Secretary as ‘Governance Professional’ play s a big role in various forms like, Key Managerial Personnel; Registered Valuer; Insolvency Professional; Advisor to the Board of Directors; GST Professional; Corporate Compliance and Risk Manager , etc. In view of the rising significance of Company Secretary, it is extremely important that a candidate who dreams to become a Company Secretary and be part of the legion of Governance Professional s, he/she has to go through a structured and scientific selection process for Company Secretary course.

CSEET Effective Preparation

CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is the gateway to admission into the Company Secretary course. No entrance test is tough to crack if one attempts the test with effective preparation, robust confidence and enthusiasm along with attaining excellence in the profession he/she wish to pursue. Coming to effective preparation , it is important to understand that merely reading the contents will not serve the purpose rather one needs to assimilate the concepts covered under various topics of the Papers of CS Executive Entrance Test. In other words, a pragmatic approach is required to attain success in CSEET. Before commencing with the study of the Papers of CSEET, a candidate needs to comprehend the path of the CSEET by developing clarity on CSEET related topics otherwise the preparation may not be optimum or it may go in vain. So in order to maximize the CSEET opportunity and pass with flying colors , one needs to focus on the following aspects –

CSEET Syllabus

No shortcuts

i.e. full dedication and devotion for CSEET is required. Selective study of the topics or mugging up of the topics without understanding their rationale or fundamentals will not help in passing CSEET.

Equal weightage to all the Papers of CSEET

At times it is observed that the subjects in which we have inclination get more attention than those subjects which either we don’t like or have less inclination. It is important to note that in order to achieve success in any professional course it is essential to pay equal attention to all the subjects, as the subjects of the professional course are designed in such a manner that while discharging the professional obligations in future the topics covered under all the subjects , become relevant in some way or the other Similarly, while preparing for CSEET, one need s to have dedication for all the four Papers, i.e. Business Communication; Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning; Economic and Business Environment and Current Affairs. Moreover, when the dedication is equal for all the subjects , then a person develops a comprehensive understanding. This goes a step forward in assisting immensely in the development of analytical, communication and writing skills.

Don’t hurry in finishing the test

Since our school days , we generally have a habit of submitting answer scripts before completion of the examination, i.e. submitting the answer scripts before the stipulated duration of the examination. Now we may be intelligent in finishing the examination much before the stipulated duration but while hurrying in submitting the test we may commit many mistakes thereby resulting in loss of marks. In view of this, it is advisable that instead of quickly finishing the exam utilise the time optimally by reading every question with utmost attention, comprehending the question and deriving the correct answer.

Practice Makes Man Perfect

A very old but relevant proverb in today’s context also. In order to secure good marks in CSEET, a candidate needs to practice the concepts meticulously so that there is not an iota of doubt. In this regard, candidates may refer to sample questions provided in the reference reading material of CSEET and CSEET Mock Tests. CSEET provides a platform to showcase communication skills. Since in order to prosper in the corporate world one needs to be conversant with communication skills, i.e. he/she should be able to articulate plans, policies and strategies to the top management of the organisation. At times ambiguity in communication creates a communication gap leading to poor implementation of business plans and policies. In light of the huge importance of communication, CSEET has included viva voce wherein a candidate would be judged regarding fluency in English Communication. In this part of the assessment, a candidate need s not be worried. Rather as mentioned above , it is an opportunity to showcase one’s English Communications Skills. So take it positively. Last but not the least for attaining excellence in CSEET, one must believe in himself / herself and say confidently that “I will be a Company Secretary one day”. Recommended

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