Earth Day was started to raise awareness among the people about the environment and issues like pollution, deforestation, chemical, and plastic hazards, which eventually lead to climate change and global warming. Many scientists and environmentalists consider Earth Day as the most important day of the year. There are billions of people who live across the world; they speak different languages, practices different cultures and religions. Even with all the diversity, there is one common thing; Earth unarguably is regarded as a mother by all irrespective of ethnicity and cultural backgrounds.

Earth Day History and Significance

Our Earth has been home to millions of species of plants and animals for so many centuries. They have lived, blossomed, and prospered here for so long but now due to the change in the environment, it is getting tougher and tougher for them to survive with every passing day and we humans are responsible for this. Earth day is one such event that brings our attention to the nature and environment and it reminds us how important it is for our survival.

Role of Science and Technolgy

Science and Technology in the last couple of centuries have completely revolutionized our lives but there is a dark side to it as well. With all the advancements in Science and Technology, our lives have become better, luxurious, and easy but all of it has come with the cost of great environmental imbalance. With every passing year, the temperature of Earth has been rising constantly, the glaciers are melting at a rate faster than ever before, pollutions levels are all-time high and the air in some of the cities has become too toxic to breathe. The ozone layer has been constantly depleting, many species of plants and animals have already gone extinct and many are on the verge of it. With the expansion of our cities and towns, jungles are becoming shorter and shorter leaving wild animals to migrate towards cities. Scientists have been warning us for years about the adverse effects of the environmental imbalance. Earth Day brings awareness to the people around the globe for the need for a healthy and safe environment. Must Check:     Mystery Behind the Celebration of National Doctors Day

Impact and Expectations

Celebrating Earth day every year has surely brought awareness among people about the conservation of the environment. Many NGOs, corporate companies, organizations, and schools can be seen as planting trees. Governments around the world are also focusing on renewable sources of energy. Many people also have reduced the usage of plastic in their day-to-day lives. But as of now, our efforts are not enough, we need to come out of our comfort zone and take action before it is too late. We have to spread more awareness and take responsibility collectively to ensure a better and healthy environment for the generations to come.

1 Earth Day History and Significance2 Role of Science and Technolgy3 Impact and Expectations