ACCA exam

To crack the test, you have to ensure that you have a good study plan in place which can be achieved through an effective strategy. Below are some important pointers that can help you cover the ACCA syllabus and perform well in your exams: If you plan a strategic approach for ACCA exam with a structured and thoughtful study plan in place, then you will be able to direct your efforts in an established pattern. The preparation period will feel all the more manageable and you will know how to achieve the set targets in the given time. For this, you need to start early and not leave your studies to the last minute. By starting months in advance you patiently learn and easily embed knowledge. While planning, take into consideration your entire syllabus, the important topics and how long it will take to cover each of them. Draft a timetable in which you can fit everything and get a rough idea of the days and the total time you will be able to give to your studies.

Effective study plan for ACCA exam

Getting familiar with the entire syllabus is absolutely important before you try to divide the topics to study them separately. It offers you an in-depth look into the subject and allows you to analyse how much dedicated time each would require. This also gives better traction to your studies as you will be able to divide the entire syllabus and give a good number of hours to the important topics.Making a schedule requires that you not only have a long term plan in place but also focus on creating a daily to-do list in which you allot specific course topics. By beginning early and sticking to the per day schedule, you will be on top of your preparation and have enough room for any kind of time- flexibility as well. Random events or scenarios can be easily adjusted to your schedule and you will also be able to spare ample time to revision and practices.

Previous year papers

Going through papers of the previous year gives you an insight into the examiner approach and what they expect from each of the students. This way you will know what is the most valuable part of the syllabus and the approach that you should have towards the examination.Revision after studies is a vital part of preparing for the ACCA examinations. It allows you to be thoroughly prepared with each topic and concept. Go through everything as many times as you can and also make notes of your own for deeper understanding.Lastly, self-assessment is a major component of the ACCA preparation and helps you truly analyse where you stand prior to the exams. Make use of practice papers and assess yourself multiple times until you feel you are completely ready for the challenge.

Timely preparation for the ACCA exam will ensure that you have covered all the essential elements that will help you prepare for the test. While studying on your own is necessary you can always enrol in a good course where tutors can guide you through the entire process and make you completely equipped for the assessment.

An introduction to ACCA exams